
6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Working More Than 5 Hours a Day as a Software Developer

When I was starting as a software developer, I was under the impression that the more hours I worked the more productive I would be. However, that has proven me wrong countless times. Afterward, I began to start observing and taking notes on my productivity. What I noticed is that […]

The Programmer Bill of Rights Extension

While researching into workplace productivity for software developers, I ran into The Programmer’s Bill of Rights proposed by Jeff Atwood. Within the article, he describes six fundamentals that companies should provide for programmers, software developers, and software engineers to be successful and be as productive as possible. Unfortunately, companies are […]

The Importance of the State of Flow for Software Developers 2

The state of “flow” or “zone” is a unique concept that you might have experience with, but do not know about it. Sometimes, when you are coding you lose the sense of time and what is happening around you. Does this sound familiar? If so, that was you being in “flow.”