Criteria to Consider Selling a Stock

When to sell a stock? That’s a question that differentiates experienced investors from beginners. Selling too early can lead to massive regrets when the price goes parabolic after you sell. On the other hand, holding a stock for years hoping for the price to go up isn’t great either.

Strategy to Successfully Buy and Hold

You might be wondering just how difficult can it be to buy and hold a stock. After all, the idea is to buy and then do nothing. Why do you need a strategy? If you’re asking that question then you’re probably new to the stock market. Or you’re a veteran […]

Diversification Is Limiting Your Investment Returns

One of the most common advice to profit from the stock market is to be diversified by investing in an index fund. While that is not a bad strategy for most investors, for those who want to really build wealth you will need to go against the grain. Diversification is […]

Advantages and Disadvantages to Going Serverless

More and more digital solutions are becoming cloud-based. Chances are you’ll be working on a cloud-based digital solution in the future if you’re not already. With the usage of the cloud, the concept of serverless comes into play. In this post, I want to go over what is serverless and […]

7 Beginner Software Developer Mistakes

As a software developer, you’ll make mistakes along the way. It is unavoidable and is part of the process of getting better. So, for this post, I want to narrow in on some beginner software developer mistakes.

Maximize Investment Returns by Understanding Adoption Curve

Investing in world-changing companies often means you’ll be dealing with many unknowns. The technology and business model are both unproven. So, a clear path to success isn’t paved out for the company. Depending on when you invest, there will be a massive difference between the upside and risk.

What Is Code Smell and What to Look For

The term “code smell” is probably something you have encountered if you have been developing software for a few years. Even if you haven’t come across the term you’ve probably encounter examples of them.

The Investor and Trader Mindset in the Stock Market

When it comes to becoming successful in anything you do, one of the most important factors is the mindset. If your mindset is not in the correct place then that would lead you to do things that are not optimal without you realizing it. The same can be said for […]