How Software Developers Can Develop a Finisher Mindset

The finisher mindset can drastically impact your life for the better. The finisher mindset lets you get more done and accomplish more of your goals. It gives you a considerable boost in productivity enough to make you want to have that kind of mindset. However, the finisher mindset doesn’t come naturally for most people. So, here are some ways for you to develop a finisher mindset.




Don’t Let Passion Be Your Only Motivator


Having passion is great, but if that is all you have when starting a project, it will not be enough. Passion helps you get started on something because you are excited about it. However, once you start working on it you realized how much work it is. Slowly the excitement fades and eventually, you want to move on to a different project.


So, what can you do to avoid such a problem? The key is to be committed to the project(s). Often, passion helps you start a project, but it is commitment that gets you to the finish line. Without commitment, it is easy to stop working on a project when things start to become difficult.


Be Committed


Passion helps you start a project and commitment gets you to the end of the project. When you are committed to something that means you have the intention to see it through to the end and you’re willing to put in the effort to achieve it. It should make sense that if you’re willing to put in the work, chances are you will reach your goal.


A key point to keep in mind to being committed is that sometimes not everything is within your control. You can’t necessarily control the outcome, but you can control how much effort you put in. So, how can you tell that you are committed to something? Did you set a deadline? Did you schedule a time to work on your project every day?


Set Deadlines for Yourself


Setting deadlines for yourself is a sure sign that you’re committed to your project(s). Why else would you set deadlines for yourself when you can easily leave it open-ended?


Having deadlines for yourself is great. It is a big step in being committed to your projects, but by themselves, it might not be enough. You have to keep yourself accountable for them. So, once you set the deadlines you need to tell people about them. This will get you to stop playing pretend and really get things done.


Plan Ahead and Schedule Your Time


You have wisely chosen your project and decided to be committed to it by setting deadlines, but you can still fail to accomplish your goal. Why is that? This can easily happen when you don’t set aside time for you to actually work on the project. Life happens and can get in the way, but that doesn’t mean you should forgo having a schedule.


Without a scheduled time to work on your project, you’ll leave it up to how you are feeling that day. “Do I feel like working on the project today?” “I am too tired today, I’ll work on it tomorrow.” How often has a variation of those combinations of words occur in your mind after you started a project? Every day will give you a new excuse to not work on your goals, but that is only if you let it.


I hope this post was helpful to you. If you found this post helpful, share it with others so they can benefit too.


Have you developed the finisher mindset? How have the finisher mindset helped or not helped you?


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About Steven To

Steven To is a software developer that specializes in mobile development with a background in computer engineering. Beyond his passion for software development, he also has an interest in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Personal Development, and Personal Finance. If he is not writing software, then he is out learning something new.