
6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Working More Than 5 Hours a Day as a Software Developer

When I was starting as a software developer, I was under the impression that the more hours I worked the more productive I would be. However, that has proven me wrong countless times. Afterward, I began to start observing and taking notes on my productivity. What I noticed is that […]

Start off Your Software Development Career by Setting Yourself up for Financial Success

Money management is not something you get taught in school. It is also a topic that some of your parents wouldn’t teach you because they don’t know about it themselves. As a result, it hurts working professionals financially by having them find out about setting up their finances deep into […]

The Importance of Lighting for Software Development

Recently the area where I write software has been renovated. The change that stood out to me was the glaring ceiling lights, which had been changed to bright fluorescent lights (5K color temperature). After being exposed to the fluorescent lights for less than one hour, I began to feel sick. […]

The Art of Doing Nothing

We live in a world where you are always “busy.” Your to-do list is growing day-by-day and you wonder when it will stop. This blog post might be one of the many tabs you have opened up in your internet browser. In your head, you might be juggling all the […]

Tips to Maintain Your Mental Health as a Software Developer

The cognitive load from writing software is incredibly high early on in your career. You do not have much experience in solving various types of problems. This lack of experience makes you actively think about each of the problems that you are trying to solve to reach an end-solution. Repeat the […]