Steven To

About Steven To

Steven To is a software developer that specializes in mobile development with a background in computer engineering. Beyond his passion for software development, he also has an interest in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Personal Development, and Personal Finance. If he is not writing software, then he is out learning something new.

7 Reasons Why You Should Write at Least Clean Enough Code 1

You have probably heard that you should always write and deliver clean code. Although that would be ideal, it does not always happen in the real world. There are many variables that prevent writing perfectly clean code. As a result, much of the code that you will encounter is “clean […]

The Importance of Lighting for Software Development

Recently the area where I write software has been renovated. The change that stood out to me was the glaring ceiling lights, which had been changed to bright fluorescent lights (5K color temperature). After being exposed to the fluorescent lights for less than one hour, I began to feel sick. […]

Android Development Tips

Software is getting more complex by the day. Nowadays, when you want to write a simple Android app you need the Android framework and SDK (software development kit) and maybe an IDE (integrated development environment) like Android Studio or Eclipse. There is a lot packed into the Android Framework and […]

The Programmer Bill of Rights Extension

While researching into workplace productivity for software developers, I ran into The Programmer’s Bill of Rights proposed by Jeff Atwood. Within the article, he describes six fundamentals that companies should provide for programmers, software developers, and software engineers to be successful and be as productive as possible. Unfortunately, companies are […]

The Art of Doing Nothing

We live in a world where you are always “busy.” Your to-do list is growing day-by-day and you wonder when it will stop. This blog post might be one of the many tabs you have opened up in your internet browser. In your head, you might be juggling all the […]