Yearly Archives: 2018

6 Core Transferable Knowledge That Is Valuable to Any Software Developer

Many software developers are uncomfortable with trying out new technologies. They believe that they need to learn something new all over again. They start to think back to when they started learning the technologies they use presently and think “I don’t want to go through that again”. The knowledge that […]

6 of the Most Important Skills for Software Developers

The number of technologies out there is growing day-by-day. This can make it very difficult for you to figure out how you can increase your software developer skills. While it is nearly impossible to guess what is the best programming language you should be mastering there are a few skills […]

How to Download Data and Update User Interface Using AsyncTask

AsyncTask is a helper class that makes performing a background task and updating the user interface (UI) painless. The class takes care of the communication between the background thread and the main UI thread. All you have to do is override some methods in the AsyncTask class to perform the […]